Artists in 4 rooms

Graeme Balfour - Room 1

Bowmesh by Graeme Balfour

BowMesh#24  (2024 version)

asks us to reflect on:

What we keep and destroy though layers of local history?
What is the relationship between locality and identity?
How do landmarks, industries, authorities and symbols influence identity?
How fragile is this whole construct?
How might different localities and the cultural influences found there alter this relationship?

Read more about this piece:

Graeme Balfour

Graeme explores the human condition using watercolours and light and  glass in photographic, video and mixed-media installations.

Teresa Witz - Room 2



To see more:

Teresa Witz

Teresa is an internationally renowned portrait painter of modern known and unknown icons. She explores different ways of presenting women through the direction and object gaze, pose, style and the role of the observor.

Geoff Titley - Rooms 2 and 4

Geoff Titley
Geoff Titley

The blurred transitional space – within the organic cycle and without; from the seemingly authentic to the completely artificial.




Geoff Titley

Geoff uses 3D printing and photography in his digital work

Alberto Romano - Room 3

Photo by Alberto Romano



Alberto Romano

Alberto Romano works in portraiture photography combining a hyper-realistic style with experimental lighting setups. His subjects are often unusual characters with a story to tell, and he portrays these personalities through the use of bright colours and unconventional poses.


Joanna Penso  - performance - Room 3



Joanna Penso

Joanna Penso is a multi-disciplinary artist based between London and York, UK. Her work spans across mediums including film, sound, text and digital drawing to create multi-faceted installations exploring human connection using tools of absurdity and body politics to investigate how/why we relate to or reject one another.

+ Music and Poetry (TBC)

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